Base Metabolic Rate Test

Did you know that apps like myfitnesspal can miscaluclate your caloric burn by up to 40%?

This assessment is covered by most major insurances.

When searching for metabolism testing near me, look no further than Foundation Chiropractic in Wexford, PA. The METABOLIC ASSESSMENT allows us to accurately measure an individual's base metabolic rate. The base metabolic rate is the number of calories that a person burns in a 24 hour period, at rest. This is extremely valuable information for people who are working on weight loss, weight maintenance and weight gain. This isn't just about weight loss for those in Indiana and Wexford, PA. It's about learning how to best manage your body and lifestyle to create the healthiest version of you.

The patient merely breathes through a simple mouthpiece as all the exhaled air is collected and analyzed.  Because there is a direct correlation between oxygen consumed and calories burned (4.813 calories for every milliliter of oxygen consumed), an accurate measurement of oxygen consumption is an effective measurement of calorie consumption.

We provide this testing in our office in a private enviornment, performed by our doctor. This service also inlcudes a consultation on how to best use the results.

We also offer this testing as a mobile service with no travel fee for groups of 3 or more. For less than 3, a travel fee applies.